Pre-election surveys dominate the news cycle during election season. When they come out, candidates in the lead celebrate their results while a number of those trailing behind question their validity. Some commentators praise surveys as a means for the average citizen to influence policy while others caution that surveys are means to manipulate public opinion.

How are pre-election surveys done? What do they tell us? And what should we do with that information?
To find answers to this question, the UP Department of Political Science and UP sa Halalan, in partnership with the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies' Program on Social and Political Change, present “Interpreting Pre-election Surveys,” a public panel discussion with experts from the industry and academe on March 12, 2019 (Tuesday), 1:00-4:00 PM at UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) Conference Hall, Bahay ng Alumni.
- Dr. Ana Maria Tabunda, Research Director, Pulse Asia
- Ms. Ma. Lourdes Tiquia, Founder and CEO, PUBLiCUS Asia Inc.